Monday, February 20, 2012

Too Early For A Birth Plan?

As I mentioned before, I have been reading like crazy about getting pregnant, being pregnant and giving birth. For most of my life, I assumed that I would give birth in a hospital, probably with drugs. Until a few years ago, I didn't even realize that there were other options. And now, having so many resources with so much information, I have come to the conclusion that I will either have an midwife and doula assisted home birth, or try for a natural doula assisted birth in a hospital. Because I will be a first time mother, the thought of not being in a controlled setting with easy access to medical interventions if needed kind of scares me. Plus, my current insurance doesn't really allow for anything other than a hospital birth. However, my gut and my head and my heart for that matter, really would just prefer to give birth in my home. I feel safe in my home, comfortable and at ease. I want to be able to walk around and smell the smells that are familiar and comforting to me, rather then be in a hospital with so much noise. Quite honestly, the idea of how a hospital smells is somethng that fully turns me off from hospitals. I also can't bear the thought of not being able to move around the way I want. I have had a chronic illness for most of my life that has a high level of pain associated with it and the way I have dealt with that is by moving around and being able to be in a cool dark room. It is so important for me to really give myself an opportunity to labor naturally and to give birth naturally. I feel confident in my decision right now, but I can imagine as my life progresses and I actually (hopefully) get pregnant, I will change my mind in some way or another. But for now, home birth is seeming like the best option for me.

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